Chee Hau - Problem solver, software designer, and juggler of work and family

Hello, I'm Chee Hau, a passionate software designer and entrepreneur based in Penang, Malaysia. With a relentless drive to create innovative solutions, I dedicate myself to developing software that thrives in the face of rapid changes and demanding business requirements. Through my journey, I aim to capture valuable insights and practical knowledge, which I'll be sharing on this website. By joining me on Patreon, you become an essential source of motivation and support. Together, we can embark on this exciting adventure of learning and growth.

From Zero to Production in Laravel

In this note, I will take you on an exciting journey as I walk you through my personal experience of setting up a Laravel project from scratch and taking it all the way to production. I will share the tools and technologies I utilized, including Laravel Forge, Laravel Nova, and GitHub.

My Best Practices for Laravel Nova Development in Business Applications

This note is about list of essential tasks and best practices for coding in Laravel Nova specifically tailored for business applications.

Leveraging Laravel Nova's ActionEvents as an Audit Trail for Admin Users

Learn how to leverage Laravel Nova's built-in ActionEvents table as an audit trail for admin users. This guide is suitable for developers working on new projects that utilize Laravel Nova as the primary admin panel. Discover how to ensure efficient tracking of user actions and maintain an organized audit trail.

Automating Web Actions with Python and Selenium: Streamline Your Workflows

Discover the power of Python and Selenium for automating web actions, interacting with websites programmatically, and enhancing your productivity. This guide equips you with the knowledge and skills to scrape data, perform tests, and automate repetitive tasks effortlessly. Get ready to streamline your workflows and unlock new possibilities with web automation.


  1. Company
    Self Employed
    Problem Solver
  2. Company
    CG Computers Sdn Bhd
    Software Developer, IT Manager
  3. Company
    iG-interactive Sdn Bhd
    System Engineer
  4. Company
    Huawei Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd
    Software Engineer